Registration procedure



Registering for the Global Program for Japanese Studies on Moodle

  1. Log in to a Moodle site of Chiba University
  2. Click on "すべてのコース"(All courses) tab
  3. Click on "全学副専攻プログラム"(Minor program) >『国際日本学』
  4. Click "私を登録する"(Register me) on the bottom of the screen (no registration key needed)
    ⇒You are registered



Planning course registration

You have to fulfill the requirement of credits fixed for each cluster. There are the following three distinctive clusters: International Japanese Studies, English, and Study Abroad. The lower limit of the credit requirement is fixed depending on each cluster. You have to satisfy the requirements of each cluster as well as acquiring general subject and specialized subject.
The class list of the global program for Japanese studies is here*. (only in Japanese)
*It is in the “step02 「履修計画を立てる」”



Registering for courses on the Student Portal

Access the Student Portal and register for the classes on the website.
*If you are a graduate student, you have to register as a credit auditor. For further information, please consult with the administration office of your graduate school.

Please note...
Study Abroad, Global Internship and Global Volunteer

You need to undertake an application process before registering on the Student Portal.
The necessary steps for the application will be explained in the guidance for each program.
Applicants for the study abroad, internship and volunteering programs will be selected by screening or interview.



Attending the classes according to the course registration

Attend the classes or participate in the programs you registered for. You are recommended to use the “Learning history recording sheet”. With this sheet, you can manage your learning history for the Global Program for Japanese Studies.
Please download the sheet below. The sheets vary according to the fiscal year you enrolled in Chiba University. Be sure to choose the sheet for your admission year.

≪Certificate of completion≫




Applying for the Certificate

Remember, you need to apply for certificate of the Global Program for Japanese Studies. If you have fulfilled the prescribed credits from the Global Program for Japanese Studies, apply for certificate to International Affairs Division. A certificate will not be awarded without this application.

Required documents for the application
  1. Application form for the completion of the program
  2. Learning history recording sheet
  3. Transcript



Completion of the Global Program for Japanese Studies

A certificate will be awarded on completion of your academic curriculum. This certificate proves that you are highly qualified person as a global professional.